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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Self published Author Announces Launch of Service to Help Fellow Writers

Self published Author Announces Launch of Service to Help Fellow Writers

Famous poetry author's book denied by book store chain prompts the lauch of publishing service.
(WWP) February 27, 2006 -- Self published author, Perry Campanella, announces the launch of a service to help fellow writers market their great books worldwide. Perry Campanella, research and development and net affiliate for Barnes & Noble, will pre-screen and delve into a comprehensive background check on each author submitting their new great manuscript for representation by Worldwide Publishing Inc.

Market programs invented by Mr. Perry Campanella and Mr. Richard E. Levine will stimulate growth for Worldwide Publishing Inc. located in Florida. The company was formed to reverse the result of Perry's poetry book that was rejected by a book publisher and provide new opportunities for book sales. Hence, to change the fate of a great poem journal and create new marking techniques for all writers.

The fact is while at the same time Mr. Campanella's Great Poem Journal was declined, not for content, for the work is truly brilliant, according to the author and in good taste by all standards of literature. It is also printed with great quality. This publisher has several of the best printing associates in all the world to provide printing quality.

A continued reputation that precedes the company as all members and staff are truly most honest, in their pursuit and commitment to help all great new unknown authors to sell books, in all countries in the world and in the author's own language. The publisher accepts manuscripts in all languages.

Perry muses:
"Why then would a book publishisher ask any author submitting a book, 'Contemporary Poetic Urban Voices', Perry's book for example, on their website to sell, market his great book? After the rejection, could this very well be a standard practice for their marketing reasons or a remarket test saving them thousands in advertising dollars and picking only to represent headliner titles for their budget and thus shift the marketing over to the unknown or under-published book writer. Should authors then know that their books will be redirected in this sly way, for this reason and to presume rejection at the start. Will authors think, then decide to send their great works to several other publishers that provide marketing programs, like Random House, or choice huge corporations? Where will they have a fair chance and avoid the long wait and final rejection to publish their own great book, after all the hard work going into a final worthy book copy. Hmm."

Readers will decide for themselves, in the meantime one should have another look at other's approach, perhaps concepts provided by this inventive author Mr. Perry Campanella, his fabulous staff along with newly invented market programs. Perry says: "Necessity is truly the mother to invent."

Quick and easy ways to find Author's Information:
authorsmagazine.com your portal to help readers find useful websites, articles, information on books and Book Events: following this great first; Press Release: Where can one find Perry Campanella his famous rejected poem book at Barnes & Noble for having Three Titles on the cover, the new opportunity provided by Worldwide Publishing Inc. for the unknown writer's in todays book market.

The reader that collects first edition books will have the answer when the poem book is ordered. Was this a minor misprint or a ploy by Perry Campanella to have his book made famous as a Collector's item. See for yourself today. Wouldn't you want to show this to everyone; ya know!

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Press Contact: Perry Campanella
Email: email protected from spam bots
Phone: 954-731-3208
Website: http://www.authorsmagazine.com


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